Social structure and individual behavior of rat groups

- Rat social groups movement and metrics – Zenodo repository
- Related publications: Nagy, M., Davidson, J., Vásárhelyi, G., Ábel, D., Kubinyi, E., Hady, A.E., Vicsek, T., 2023. Social structure and individuals’ behavior shaped by group composition in long-term tracking of rats. preprint on bioRxiv
Videos for lifetime tracking of honeybees – Konstanz 2019
- Videos associated with barcode-based tracking of honeybees during summer of 2019.
- The observation hive was filmed using 4 cameras, with two on each side. Saved in this repository are downsampled versions of the original videos, downsampled to 1648×1504 with 25Mbps bitrate.
- Include are all videos, with continuous recording from 5 June to 24 September.
- Smith, Michael; Davidson, Jacob; Wild, Benjamin; Dormagen, David; Landgraf, Tim; Couzin, Iain, 2023, “Videos for honey bee lifetime tracking data 2019”,, Edmond, V1
Lifetime tracking of honeybees – Konstanz 2019 data

- Honeybee lifetime tracking data 2019 – Zenodo data repository.
which includes behavioral metrics for each bee and on each day. 9135 bees tracked over 115 days using the BeesBook tracking system. - Data for the queen – Zenodo data repository
- Related publications:
Neubauer, L.C., Davidson, J.D., Wild, B., Dormagen, D.M., Landgraf, T., Couzin, I.D., Smith, M.L., 2023. Honey bee drones are synchronously hyperactive inside the nest. Animal Behaviour.
Jhawar, J., Davidson, J.D., Weidenmüller, A., Wild, B., Dormagen, D.M., Landgraf, T., Couzin, I.D., Smith, M.L.. How honeybees respond to heat stress from the individual to colony level. Journal of The Royal Society Interface (Oct. 2023). Journal link (open access)
Lifetime tracking of honeybees – Konstanz 2018 data

- Honeybee lifetime tracking data 2018 – Zenodo data repository.
Includes trajectories and behavioral metrics for all bee and on each day. 4242 bees tracked over 85 days using the BeesBook tracking system. - Related publication: Smith, M.L., Davidson, J.D., Wild, B., Dormagen, D.M., Landgraf, T., Couzin, I.D., 2022. Behavioral variation across the days and lives of honey bees. iScience 25.
Golden Shiners fish in groups of 10, 30, 70, and 151

- Dryad Data download link
- Short video showing movement
- Data includes tracked fish with corrected trajectories to maintain individual identities
- Related publication: Davidson, J. D., Sosna, M.M.G., Twomey, C.R., Sridhar, V.H., Leblanc, S.P., Couzin, I.D. Collective detection based on visual information in animal groups. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 18, 20210142 (2021).
Collective behavior of mutant zebrafish

- Dryad Data download link.
- 90 mutant lines, groups of 6 fish, multiple trials per line. Full dataset is ~42gb
- Publication: Tang, W., Davidson, J.D., Zhang, G., Conen, K.E., Fang, J., Serluca, F., Li, J., Xiong, X., Coble, M., Tsai, T., Molind, G., Fawcett, C.H., Sanchez, E., Zhu, P., Couzin, I.D., Fishman, M.C., 2020. Genetic control of collective behavior in zebrafish. iScience 0.
Motion of desert harvester ants in nest entrance chamber

- Stanford data repository download link.
- Manually tracked trajectories of desert harvester ants during foraging activity. Videos also in repository for download.
- Related publications:
- Davidson, J.D., Arauco-Aliaga, R.P., Crow, S., Gordon, D.M., Goldman, M.S., 2016. Effect of interactions between harvester ants on forager decisions. Front. Ecol. Evol. 4, 115
- Davidson, J.D., Gordon, D.M., 2017. Spatial organization and interactions of harvester ants during foraging activity. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 14, 20170413.