† denotes co-first authors
Preprints / In review
†Nagy, M., †Davidson, J.D., Vásárhelyi, G., Ábel, D., Kubinyi, E., El Hady, A., Vicsek, T. Long-Term Tracking of Social Structure in Groups of Rats (2023). Preprint on bioRxiv
22. Davidson, J.D., de Oliveira Lopes, F.N., Safaei, S., Hillemann, F., Russell, N.J., Schaare, H.L. Postdoctoral Researchers’ Perspectives on Working Conditions and Equal Opportunities in German Academia. Frontiers in Psychology (2023). Journal link (open access).

Photo by Ben Koger
21. Jhawar, J., Davidson, J.D., Weidenmüller, A., Wild, B., Dormagen, D.M., Landgraf, T., Couzin, I.D., Smith, M.L.. How honeybees respond to heat stress from the individual to colony level. Journal of The Royal Society Interface (Oct. 2023). Journal link (open access)
20. †Neubauer, L.C., †Davidson, J.D., Wild, B., Dormagen, D.M., Landgraf, T., Couzin, I.D., Smith, M.L.. Honey bee drones are synchronously hyperactive inside the nest. Animal Behaviour (July 2023). Journal. PDF (ResearchGate).
19. Sridhar, V.H., Davidson, J.D., Twomey, C.R., Sosna, M.M.G., Nagy, M., Couzin, I.D. Inferring social influence in animal groups across multiple timescales. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 378, (Feb. 2023). Journal link (open access).
18. †Smith, M. L., †Davidson, J. D., Wild, B., Dormagen, D. M., Landgraf, T. & Couzin, I. D. Behavioral variation across the days and lives of honey bees. English. iScience 25 (Sept. 2022). Journal link (open access)
17. Bidari, S., El Hady, A., Davidson, J. D. & Kilpatrick, Z. P. Stochastic dynamics of social patch foraging decisions. Physical Review Research 4, 033128 (Aug. 2022). Journal link (open access)
16. Kilpatrick, Z. P., Davidson, J. D. & El Hady, A. Uncertainty drives deviations in normative foraging decision strategies. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 18, 20210337 (2021). Journal link (open access)

15. Davidson, J. D., Sosna, M.M.G., Twomey, C.R., Sridhar, V.H., Leblanc, S.P., Couzin, I.D. Collective detection based on visual information in animal groups. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 18, 20210142 (2021). Journal link (open access). Code (github)
14. Davidson, J. D., Vishwakarma, M. & Smith, M. L. Hierarchical Approach for Comparing Collective Behavior Across Scales: Cellular Systems to Honey Bee Colonies. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9, (2021). Journal link (open access)
13. Jolles, J. W., Mazué, G. P. F., Davidson, J. D., Behrmann-Godel, J. & Couzin, I. D. Schistocephalus parasite infection alters sticklebacks’ movement ability and thereby shapes social interactions. Scientific Reports 10, 12282 (2020). Journal link (open access). Code for simulations (github)

12. †Tang, W., †Davidson, J.D., †Zhang, G., Conen, K.E., Fang, J., Serluca, F., Li, J., Xiong, X., Coble, M., Tsai, T., Molind, G., Fawcett, C.H., Sanchez, E., Zhu, P., Couzin, I.D., & Fishman, M.C. Genetic Control of Collective Behavior in Zebrafish. iScience 23, 100942 (2020). Journal link (open access). Code (github)
11. El Hady, A., Davidson, J. D. & Gordon, D. M. Editorial: An Ecological Perspective on Decision-Making: Empirical and Theoretical Studies in Natural and Natural-Like Environments. Front. Ecol. Evol. 7, (2019). Journal link (open access)
10. Davidson, J. D. & Hady, A. E. Foraging as an evidence accumulation process. PLOS Computational Biology 15, e1007060 (2019). Journal link (open access). Code (github)
9. Davidson, J. D. & Gordon, D. M. Spatial organization and interactions of harvester ants during foraging activity. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 14, 20170413 (2017). Journal. PDF (arXiv). PDF (Researchgate). Code (github)

8. Davidson, J. D., Arauco-Aliaga, R. P., Crow, S., Gordon, D. M. & Goldman, M. S. Effect of interactions between harvester ants on forager decisions. Front. Ecol. Evol.4, 115 (2016). Journal link (open access).
Masters and PhD research: Elasticity, shape memory polymers, and ionic polymer transducers
7. Davidson, J. D. & Goulbourne, N. C. Nonaffine chain and primitive path deformation in crosslinked polymers. Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng.24, 065002 (2016). PDF via Researchgate
6. Davidson, J. D. & Goulbourne, N. C. Microscopic mechanisms of the shape memory effect in crosslinked polymers. Smart Mater. Struct.24, 055014 (2015). PDF via Researchgate
5. Skulborstad, A. J., Wang, Y., Davidson, J. D., Swartz, S. M. & Goulbourne, N. C. Polarized Image Correlation for Large Deformation Fiber Kinematics. Exp Mech (2013). PDF via Researchgate
4. Davidson, J. D. & Goulbourne, N. C. A nonaffine network model for elastomers undergoing finite deformations. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids61, 1784–1797 (2013). PDF via Researchgate
3. Davidson, J. D. & Goulbourne, N. C. The influence of microstructure on boundary layer interactions in ionic polymer transducers. International Journal of Applied Mechanics03, 365 (2011). PDF via Researchgate
2. Davidson, J. D. & Goulbourne, N. C. Nonlinear capacitance and electrochemical response of ionic liquid-ionic polymers. J. Appl. Phys.109, 084901 (2011). PDF via Researchgate
1. Davidson, J. D. & Goulbourne, N. C. Boundary layer charge dynamics in ionic liquid-ionic polymer transducers. Journal of Applied Physics109, 014909 (2011). PDF via Researchgate